An unknown minotaur god?


Ring of Holiness, crafted by the minotaur priestess, states this:

“Priestess Br'mee imbued it with divine energy.”

Where did her divine energy come from? Unless she's a cleric of The Three, or of Tol, this would imply the existence of another, unknown god! We know of the Fifth Sleeper, but there's no indication he's the god she prays to. The minotaurs were a great civilisation before the crash of the Ark, it was called Galade. Could they have discovered the Numina Stones too, back during the days of their old empire? Could there be a sleeping minotaur god somewhere?

If so, we must find it and steal its Numina...
*Evil laughter*


Staff member
Many nonhuman cultures in the EK world have some basic knowledge of magic, and typically attribute divine powers to their mages. Goblins are another example, and in many of these cases (not all!) there's indeed no true divinity behind. It's different with humans since they have a clearly distinction between those studying magic and those being granted power by "higher beings".


Oh I see, so it's more like a "sacred" tribal magic. I remember reading on a Totem of Protection something about mages often laughing at tribal magic, yet it could be very potent. Thanks for the answer!

I've always wondered what Andor would look like if the Muud'ari had never seeded the planet, and Galade had never been destroyed. Would the minotaurs be like the modern humans of Earth?

PS: I hacked into the Ark's Data Pad, and extracted speculative data about the minotaurs... ;)
"Known to its native Xenos civilisation as Planet Minos and listed as Planet STR01079 in the Amontet Andor's seeding report, Planet Andor is an uncolonised seeded class-9 world situated in the Orogg Galactic Sector, approximately 20,000 light-years from Noutamet."

"According to the Amontet Andor's seeding report, it is 'home to a highly advanced Type-1 Xenos civilisation classified as mammalian bipedal bovines of the Taurus genus'. Report also cites a '97% chance of successful Xenos extermination', and estimated 81% of the planet's surface land as 'sufficently hospitable for human seeding'. Colonisation efforts initiated in 21,400 A.W. by Admiral Jorum Lothasan, and currently underway."

"Even though we only learned about its existence in 19 900 A.W., Planet Andor was discovered in approximately 100 B.W. by Geneticist Dr. Stridsibum, 12th and last Commander of the Amontet Andor, a Seed-Class multi-generational subluminal Starship of the pre-Warp era known for seeding more than a thousand habitable planets in the Orogg Galactic Sector. Many Galactic Historians dispute this generally accepted knowledge, arguing the number of worlds seeded by the Amontet Andor was much lower, estimates ranging from 800 to as low as 200. The Amontet Andor ended its journey on Planet STR01079, sending its final seeding report via its pre-Warp communication array - a signal which, traveling only at light-speed, took an estimated 20,000 standard years to reach us."

"The reception of this report marked the beginning of the last colonisation wave of the Muud'ari Galactic Empire, adding to this day more than a hundred new planets to our vast network of colonies. Every 10 standard years, a new Ark-Class colonial FTL Warp Starship leaves Noutamet, hoping to find and colonise another one of those planets seeded by the Amontet Andor more than 20,000 years ago."


Stridsibum the goblin?

According to the highly top secret intel I have made up discovered in the Mathrisian Codex, Stridsibum was not a goblin! He was Muud'ari!!! He just took too much Longevity Potions and mutated, became mad... Assuming explorer Mathris told the truth in his codex, that is... ;)

"I met the Creator. The One True God. Never have I been so utterly terrified. He wore the very face of Madness..."

"As I was exploring these wretched wastes, a strange, small man surprised me. He offered me water, food, and safety in his cavern in the mountains. His name was Dr. Stridsibum. But it was a trick. He lured me into a trap. He drugged me, took me underneath his cave down to the entrails of the world and into his demented lab made of metal, hooked me up on alien machines. He studied me, injected me with nauseating liquids. He changed me. Mutated me. I'm no longer human, he made me a monster! I managed to escape by stealing his strange, alien device he used to control the lab. It looked like the hammer of a smith, but it was far, far more... It flashed with a dozen lights, and obeyed his verbal commands spoken in an unknown tongue. This technological marvel granted him absolute control over the entire underground laboratory: its metallic doors, it's strange weapons array, its magical screens full of runes and symbols, its terrifying walking machines... So I stole it, used it to escape, and hid it deep in the mountain. Then I ran and ran and ran... My mutated legs hurt, my deformed body is twisted and bloated. I'm nothing more than an abomination. These are my last words. After writing this, I will take my own life. May the God-Emperor have mercy on my soul."

"Dr. Stridsibum revealed everything to me. Knowledge not meant to be bestowed on any human mind..."

"He was an explorer from another world, and discovered our world 20 000 years ago. His ship encountered a strange energy, and crashed deep into the mountain. I believe he was referring to magic..."

"Trapped on our world, he experimented on his crew, mutated them, vivisected them. From their flesh, he created us, humans. He made us in the image of his otherworldly people, to become slaves and serve as cattle, on the day the rest of his people would come. He seeded Andoria with our ancestors, but not Varannar, for its native Minotaur civilisation was great and strong and he failed to exterminate them."

"He told me he should have died after a few centuries, but he loved his creations so much, that he could not bear to abandon them. So he made a Longevity Serum, extending his life perpetually.
I believe that's when he went mad."

"He said he looked like me once. But the Serum mutated his body and his mind, twisted him through the millenia into this pitiful mishapen form."

"In his madness, he decided to create more humans to seed Varannar, even though the marvelous minotaur cities were everywhere. His crew being all long dead, the mad mutated man used his own flesh and blood to create new humans. But he failed, and his creations grew to mirror his deformed, twisted shape. I have seen these creations. They're everywhere in the mountains. They're of a sickly greenish complexion, small of mind and body, crude, ugly and grotesque imitations of men. And they breed like vermin."

"He told me about endless experimentations in the hope of creating more humans, to seed Varannar like he once did Andoria. Each attempt proved a failure worst than the last. He spoke of bloated and violent human-like giants, and of green-skinned humanoid monsters who could tear off their own limbs and regrow them. He experimented on reptiles, accidentally creating the huge fearsome beasts I've seen flying above the mountains. He mixed some with his own blood, made human-shaped reptiles of the same kin. He repeated the same experiment with boars, frogs, apes and bears..."

"I've known minotaurs back on Andoria. They can be dangerous, but they also have a rich culture, beautiful cities and excel in poetry and art. Varannar, because of this mad Dr. Stridsibum, has been filled with all manner of monsters throughout the millenia, twisted humanoid creatures that are more beasts than men."

"And now that I've been a victim of Dr. Stridsibum's mad experimentations, I, too, have become a mutant monster. I cannot live like this. My journey ends here. I just hope humanity never comes to this hellish isle of Varannar. But if someone does, please, I beg of you... avenge me. Avenge our world. Kill the mad Dr. Stridsibum!"


I think Stridsibum is actually some kind of immortal magical creature like the Undermother. He's either unique, or the last known survivor of his species. He said he created the goblins, and they think he's their god. But we know he's not a "real" god, he doesn't have any Numina. Just a very old and powerful magical monster. I don't remember anything about him having a master though.


The goblins have shaman and shaman like druids (etc.) are a priestly class; presumably they THINK they're being granted powers rather than just being low-level hedge wizards.


I think Stridsibum is actually some kind of immortal magical creature like the Undermother. He's either unique, or the last known survivor of his species. He said he created the goblins, and they think he's their god. But we know he's not a "real" god, he doesn't have any Numina. Just a very old and powerful magical monster. I don't remember anything about him having a master though.
I'm glad you're a loreseeker, darling


I'm glad you're a loreseeker, darling

Well thank you, honey ;)

I've yet to work on the wiki, but I've started a list of stuff to correct. I could even submit new texts to describe the new areas that don't have any. Do you know who or where I can propose new texts?
