Fleeing to the southwest corner on the Irazur Tomb doesn't work


New Member
I tried fleeing to the southwest corner past the south door on the Irazur Tomb's gas trap and it didn't work. The traps turned off for 1 second on that corner and turned back on again. Not to mention absorbing massive amounts of damage fast. I don't know if I will start a new character because permadeath is permadeath. Starting a new character would defeat the point?

Maybe someone can confirm this and change the wiki? I don't know how to change the wiki.


The gas trap turned back on? That's a clear violation of the Ancient Tolassian Trap Regulation Tome. It's not supposed to happen.

Just to be sure: is it possible you mistook the mommy's toxic gas from the trap's toxic gas? Even dead, the mommy can expel one last gas that lingers for a while. And it's right at the corner you mentionned. If it was really the trap going off again, it would clearly be a bug.

About your Ironman character, since they died in a Tolassian Tomb, here's my suggestion: create the exact same character once again, but boost its Death Resist to 178+ and add "Zombified" to its name lolll.


Active Member
I just checked wiki on Irazur tomb , and nobody tells you there to run thru gas traps. You are supposed to turn off this trap using statue and need 2 awarness for that.


Staff member
The Wiki is a bit outdated on that point. You can turn off the gas, or you can run through the mess if you have really good toxic resist and health.

If I remember correctly, that trap was added as a way to force players to have to have Adaon in their party. At the time, he was the only Companion. Most players use him or have AWA 2 to avoid that issue.


Staff member
@InfDendro , so, just double checking, did you get caught in the gas cloud from the Ancient Mummy? Those guys will spew out a poison gas cloud. If you're running from the trap's cloud, it's easy to get hit by the mummy's cloud.

If you're not going to do disarm the trap (AWA 2, or Adaon), than below is a workable way to increase your chance to stay alive.

When you first enter the tomb, head to the SE corner first. Wait a few seconds to try to locate traps (or use detection scrolls / skills).

Enter gas trap room, and head through the south exit to the hallway, than head east. There's a good chance there's going to be at least one spike trap in your way. Deal with it / survive it.

Wait for the gas cloud to dissipate.

Heat west along the hallway to the corner where the Ancient Mummy is hanging out. Hit him a few times, than bolt down the hallway. That way you're outside the gas from the mummy.

Than congrats you are now free to try your luck on the traps along the main trap hallway.

There's a few other Ancient Mummies in the dungeon, so you'll need to learn how to fight them. Hit and step back is a good way. Your Companion will just attack until they die.


It took my a while to learn there was a switch to disarm the gas trap. I used to run through the gas-filled corridor every time I went into the tomb lolll. Once you know the path and spike traps locations, it's fairly easy. But it burns through your HP fast!

Fun Fact: it is possible to rest while running through toxic gas and getting violently impaled by spikes! Loll

But yes, the Ancient Mummy sleeping in the corner was simply the worst... Very rude, and smelly. Just a terrible person, really. My guess is that she's responsible for installing the trap in the first place.

PS: To keep Grissenda and Adaon from committing suicide against Ancient Mummies, just equip them with a ranged weapon before the fight.
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