Goddamn trolls! How do you deal with them?

Mr Adventurer

New Member
Trolls! Individually they are not too tough - but how can I, as a Cleric with Grissenda, put out enough consistent Fire damage to finish them off?!

I have Arbenos' Might - but even assuming the timing lines up so I can have it on while there's a troll, it's no guarantee that the Fire damage, specifically, will be what finishes the troll off. I usually have to kill an individual troll two or three times with this method.

Is it the Fire damage that has to take the last of their hp? Or is any attack with a Fire rider enough? (E.g. if the troll has 10 hit points left, and I hit it for 11 physical damage plus 4 fire, will it regenerate still because it got killed by the physical damage before the elemental damage could affect it?)

Edit: I am on Outstanding Apprentice. So you can understand my angst.


Staff member
To keep trolls dead, the killing blow must have fire damage. Only the killing blow is required to have fire damage. Even if the physical damage is enough to kill a troll, so long there's fire damaged aspect, the troll will stay dead. Keep in mind, that your Companion needs fire damage as well.

For Clerics, Crushing Ember and the Vulcan Maul are useful.
Griss gets a few more options.

Oh, and to make Trolls a little more savage, attack skills like whirlwind can backfire. Whirlwind does NOT add the elemental damage of a weapon so if Griss uses it to land a killing blow, guess what? Troll pops back up. A real problem if it's a certain king troll....

Trolls area huge step-up in difficulty when you first met them, but after a bit, they become rather easy. A few more levels, some better equipment (better defense, better bolt resistance).

Getting good at fighting one or two at a time is helpful, too. Telling Gris to only fight nearby enemies will help stop her from running off and getting a bunch of trolls mad at you.


Staff member
If your Companion has been swinging a non-fire weapon, that would explain your 1/3 kill rate.

There's plenty of fire weapons scattered in the game -- try for the Magma Longsword as you can get one just by running in and warping out. But if you can't find a main hand weapon you like, a fire off-hand weapon ( e.g. Flaming Hatchet ) will do the trick, even if equipped with a non-fire main hand weapon.

Mr Adventurer

New Member
Yep, I was using 2H maul Hirge and had swapped her Vulcan for a Bluesteel 😞.

I'm using the Vulcan myself but I can get Grissenda again and try to get a flame weapon. Afraid I haven't heard of the areas the Magma Sword is listed as being in, but I'll keep an eye out.


Staff member
The first Magma Longsword you can get is hidden away in a dungeon one map north of the starting town. It's one of those dungeons that's easy to miss as no major quest directs you there. A Rumor Boss or Town Hall Quest might point you in that direction but it's easy to miss.

Mr Adventurer

New Member
Well I took a look on the Wiki and don't fancy the Cauldron. I equipped Grissenda with just a flame dagger that I found, it completely nerfs her but at least I can reliably kill 1-2 trolls now. However, on experimentation that gets me about halfway into the troll dungeon before I have to give up - I'll come back in a couple of levels. On the plus side, that foray meant I got the troll skins I needed to get myself a gross new hat :)
