Playthrough Discussion: Holy Cleric / Double Cleric In The Three

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General Build: Summoner / Party Support Cleric in guild The Three paired with Hirge
RPG Style: Loyal to the ideas of The Three (uphold laws, hate undead).

My Clerics tend to be warrior Clerics with high STR, Duel and in the Warrior's Guild. This playthrough (spinning off from @Sitdownkid 's discussion) is based on a party support Cleric.

I'll update this thread as it goes.

General: Be nice, helpful, pro-law, and anti-undead.
Specific Quests that have role-playing aspect.
Snake Gang -> kill bandit to uphold the law.
Mightier than the Sword -> kill ghostly scribe
Lady of the Night -> squash the heart
Prodigal Daughter -> Not sure yet? How does the Church of the Three feel on mirmeks?

Level: Starting
Traits: STR / AGL / INT / PERS +1
Skills: Abernos' Might

Level: 9
Traits: STR / AGL / AWA 2, INT 4, PER 3
Skills: Might 1, Heal 2, Crusader 2, Guardian Wolf 3 (sitting on 3 skill points)
Note: Joined Church of The Three, maxed Guardian Wolf (so was sitting on 9 skill points).

Level: 15
Traits: STR / INT / PER 4, AGL 3, AWA 2.
Skills: Heal 2, Might 2, Crusader 2, Nivaria's Barrier 2, Intervention 2
Advanced Skills: Precisions Strikes 2, Massive Criticals 2, Guardian Wolf 3, Summon 3.

Companion Note: Hirge Level 14.
At Level 14, Hirge has Level 2 of the following skills: Heal, Crusader, Nivarian's Barrier, Duel, Heavy Hand. She's sitting on 2 skill points, so will likely give her either Heal 3, or Heavy Hand 3 at level up. Her traits are STR 4, END 1, AGL 2, INT 1, AWA 0, PERS 3. Note: I didn't reset her traits when I first got her so just building off her initial traits.

Level 1 to Level 9 Notes: Early game was pretty easy. Got Griss at Level 2, kept her till Level 7 when I got the ability to get Hirge. Knocked out a lot of quests rather quickly with no grinding--almost like speed run approach. After getting Hirge and joining the Chruch, used temple teleporter to get to church capital. Did rush job to get Flamming Warhammer, and complete Wizard tower quest.

First Hiccup: Got a bit over confident, took on Emerald Valley right after getting flamming warhammer as I wanted better mace / rings for Hirge. Two clerics with very basic gear and little poison protection do not do well in the area. Struggled. Snakes killed Wolfie way too fast. Completed Snake Gang by killing bandit (role playing choice), found a Mystic Bone mace to give Hirge. Still using a mix of Tier 1 equipment and found equipment. Need to get better gear. Taking on Tremendan Tower first might have been a much better idea.

I got a Mystic Bone Mace on my first trip through the snake cave (when I was killing the Snake). It makes for a great early-mid-game weapon for Hirge. She kept it until getting the Spirt Hammer. Likely keep her with the Spirit Hammer as her default weapon. Completing Hirge's unique Companion quest was pretty easy. With two clerics in the party, shadows weren't too bad. Didn't complete the pit, just her quest part.

The heal-or-not-heal struggle is real. Hirge will use heal when her or the main character's hp is below 50%. During tough fights where hp is dropping fast, it's pretty common for her to use heal the same time as you, resulting in a wasted heal, esp if only one of you is taking damage. Conversely, if you try to count on her to use heal, she sometimes won't. Either because her heal cooldown is still running, or she gets stunned. So as a player you are best served by opting to error on the side of wasting a heal.

Character Build Error: While this was supposed to be exploring a dedicated Cleric build, it's currently shaping up more like a Summoner Cleric. No skill points in the two die-hard cleric skills: Sacred Fire, Battle Prayer. Points will get invested in those skills over the next few levels, but it's possible to beat the game before too long so it's unclear how much game time will include those skills.

I'm pretty sure how to handle most quest choices given The Three's strong stance on law and undead, but not sure how that would apply to the Prodiogal Daughter?
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Staring over.

This build ended up more like a Cleric-Summoner. It's a powerful build, esp on Normal Difficulty, but rather misses the point of this experiment.

Main Issue: Didn't get PER high enough to get Battle Prayer sooner. Didn't invest in the proper skills to get Flames of Faith, so used skill points in combat skills. Pretty effective, but not point of this experiment.

Possible short comings is trying to balance the number of skills with skill level.
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