A Mysterious Letter
Exiled Kingdoms: Quests |
Story ♦ Companion ♦ Guild ♦ Side ♦ Town Hall |
Main Quest: A Mysterious Letter |
![]() |
Starting Location |
A Forest Road |
Given By |
starting a new game |
Rewards |
Claim Inheritance: Mysterious Key ♦ 200 XP |
Related Quests |
Where is Amarisa? ♦ A Key to the Past |
A Mysterious Letter is a quest given to you by starting a new game at A Forest Road.
Quest Overview
Quest #: 4 - Completable
You received a magical letter about an important inheritance. Travel to New Garand and meet with Magistrate Odo Steinz to claim whatever it is you were left.
Quest Steps
- Travel until you meet Adaon.
- (Optional) Gather information in Lannegar.
- (Optional) Head to Kingsbridge to learn more.
- Make your way to New Garand.
- Ask the townspeople about where to find the magistrate.
- Enter the magistrate's house and claim your inheritance.
A Forest Road ➔ New Garand (City) ➔ Magistrate Steinz's House ➔ Unknown Dungeon ➔ Magistrate Steinz's House
Detailed Walkthrough
The game starts with this quest active. Prior to the start of the game, you received a magical letter summoning you to New Garand to receive an important inheritance. To claim the mysterious inheritance, you must speak with Magistrate Odo Steinzin New Garand, which is the capital city of the Kingdom of Varsilia.
You gain control of your character in the game's tutorial, which is an one-time map on the outskirts of Lannegar Valley. Follow the linear path, learning about combat and game play, until you meet Adaon. He is a fellow traveller, unable to make it by the group of beasts up ahead. Agree to help him and together destroy the goblins and wolf blocking the path. Continue going east until Adaon suggests you make camp for the night.
When you awake, you will discover Adaon is gone, along with all your gold and equipment, save for an iron dagger. At this point the game becomes an open world to you. You are free to go anywhere, but due to your low level, and lack of equipment, you are best served by heading to the nearby village of Lannegar. Captain Whitewater is the first person you'll come across. He's not interested in your robbery as it occurred outside of town. But, he will offer you a few ways to earn some gold and reputation in the town. Complete the quests Goblin Hunt and The Lost Explorer for him and he'll you tell Adaon bragged about getting rich soon before heading off to Kingsbridge and New Garand.
You can head off towards either Kingsbridge or New Garand, or you can complete other quests in the area. When you are ready, you can follow the road to the south-west. That will take you to are of Southern Bluemist River. Orcs roam the area. A signpost in the road will guide you to either Kingsbridge or New Garand. If you go to Kingsbridge, a drunkard wandering around the town square will tell you Adaon headed off to New Garand. You'll have to give the drunkard gold (any amount) to get him to talk. Threatening to hurt Adaon will cost you -1 reputation. Claiming the inheritance is yours, or being dismissive of the drunkard will cause you to miss out on getting the next clue to Adaon's whereabouts. Talking to the wizard on the street will trigger the quest A Fair Deal. Note, it's advised to start the quest as it's one of the few missable quests in the game. You can reach reach New Garand by following the road through farmlands or cutting through the Deadwood and the Inori Desert. Your in-game map can help you navigate.
As you explore the large town, you will realize none of the buildings you can enter are the right one or are locked. First, you will need to find out which house he lives in from someone. The most straightforward way is to speak with the Townsman by the building past the bridge. Give him 200 gold and he will tell you the magistrate lives in a large manor on the east side of town. A free option is to have high Awareness and speak with Sir Andrew Mason about his sword, then extort the information you need by passing the check. The last way requires you finish a quest, Spicing Things Up, in favor of Fritha Rhayader. Head to Armorer Floyd's shop near the bridge and then north through the alley to a lone house against the north wall. It is recommended you save and clean up your inventory prior to entering. Knock on the door, introduce yourself, and you will be let in. If you have any companions, they will be asked to wait outside until your business is concluded. This acts as if you dismissed them, but they will rejoin you after you leave.
Inside, the man will inform you they caught a thief pretending to be you, and returns your letter. As you rest and drink with the man, he tells you more of your relative, a grandfather named Lord Myros. He was an Arch-Mage able to enchant the letter to seek out the true heir upon his death. Learn more about him and his past in the Empire. Eventually, you will come to realize all was not as it appeared and fall unconscious. Once you regain control, knock on the cell door until your noise stirs the girl in the other cell. Mention escape to fully rouse Amarisa. Answer how you want, then she will teleport you out of the cell. Incapacitate the jailer, and approach the cage with your old friend, Adaon, in it. The key to his cell is to the west, guarded by another jailer. The chest not only has the key, but also some equipment you should put on immediately.
Now you must decide Adaon's fate. Leave him in the cage to rot or open the cage and let him help you. If you leave him, he will not be available later in the game, so it is recommended to put aside any hard feelings, and release him. Let him get beaten on a lot as your meat shield for punishment. Now you must make your way out of the dungeon. Leaving the cage area to the east, dispatch the Guardian and open the door to the north, to find another Guardian next to a chest. Take the loot, equipping any armor on you or Adaon. Now travel south, (ignore the bridge north for now), taking out the guards as they get in your way. Instead of the door the west, take the bridge east to find three skeletons guarding a chest. Onward through the door, take down multiple skeletons and Guardians. At the end of the hallway, there is a chest stocked with potions. Now for the Foresaken Leader. He is alone in the room to the north. Watch out for his stab (let Adaon take the hit), and use the potions you just got to help. When he is defeated, there is only one more Guardian left until you find a chest with all your old inventory. Load down Adaon with any junk equipment. As part of the Where is Amarisa? quest, make sure you head west and check her cell, only to find she's already been taken somewhere else. Now you can finally head above ground and try to figure out what is going on. Don't worry if you are overfilled, as it is possible to return in a bit and gather up anything left behind.
Time to revisit the magistrate's house and see about this man in black calling himself the magister. Enter the house, and immediately engage with a couple of Foresaken members. Into the back room, where another member awaits. When the area is clear, search the chest for some loot, and the corpse to continue the quest. The letter in your inventory reacts to something on the dead Magistrate's body, and you receive an ancient looking key as the letter vanishes.
- Exiled Kingdoms Quest Walkthrough - A Mysterious Letter Part 1
- Exiled Kingdoms Quest Walkthrough - A Mysterious Letter Part 2
Trait Checks
The following Trait checks are associated with this quest. Those marked with are mandatory for achieving certain outcomes or rewards which can not be accomplished otherwise.
Trait Requirement | NPC / Object | Area | Description | |
Awareness 1 | Corpse | Magistrate Steinz's House | Needed to obtain a hint about a missing object when not having the Inheritance Letter in your inventory while examining Odo Steinz' corpse. | |
Intellect 1 | Sir Andrew Mason | New Garand (City) | Needed for getting directions to Magistrate Steinz's House before accepting the quest Where Did I Put My Sword.... You can always ask the Townsman for the same information. | |
Personality 1 | Townsman | New Garand (City) | Necessary for getting a discount when asking for directions to Magistrate Steinz's House, thus beating down the price to 50 Gold (instead of 200 Gold). |
Quest Rewards
Claim Inheritance:
- Mysterious Key
- 200 XP
Related Quests
- Inside the Unknown Dungeon, at the end of the northern bridge, an Enraged Minotaur is being held. Be careful, he is quite powerful.
- Remember to have the Inheritance Letter in your inventory when you visit Magistrate Steinz's House.