Enraged Minotaur

From Exiled Kingdoms Wiki

Enraged Minotaur

Demented horned humanoid bullock armed with a huge greataxe.


Trapped and taunted in this dungeon, unable to roam freely, this poor minotaur has given into rage and madness and will attempt to kill anything that approaches it.





Type Level XP Armor Health Mana MovementBoss Type
Minotaurs 6-11 32-157 Shield small.png 15 Heart.png 204 Mana.png 0 0.9miniboss
Damage Extra Damage Speed Crit % DPS Resistances
Sword.png 15-23 Speed.png 9 4 17.5 Cold.png 70 Poison.png 70
Attributes Skills Proc Effect
Beast Fury: 1


  • Some of the stats change with creature level and game mode. The values shown in the table above always refer to the highest level at Normal difficulty. On Hard or Iron Man some values such as HP and attack stats are increased by 25%.