Exchangeable Items

From Exiled Kingdoms Wiki

Some NPCs allow you to bring a certain amount and combination of items and receive something else in return. This typically, but not always, requires a quest to be completed first. Many of them involve Plants, but some involve Gems or Hides. This can be repeated as often as you like, which if you really need the items and this is the only way to get them, can result in needing to "grind" for them.

Alternatively, see :

Exchangeable Items

Item to bring What you receive Where
Blue Orchid, Red Orchid and 100 Gold Potion of Moderate Healing Alchemist Markus in Lannegar (City)
Luminescent Fungus, Deadweed and 100 Gold Potion of Shielding
Red Orchid, 2 Sabercat Eyes and 200 Gold Potion of Heroism Mallow in Nivarian
Blue Orchid, 2 Corrupted Sabercat Eyes and 200 Gold Potion of the Tragic Hero
3 Tesurs and 150 Gold Potion of Clarity Jachimo in New Anthur (City)
3 Golden Apples Potion of Lesser Restoration Ronaëf in Freetown (City)
3 Vorator Eggs Epic Omelette
3 Coral Snake Fangs and 3 Giant Mamba Fangs 1300 Gold Kalis in The Seventh House (Freetown)
5 Small Diamond and 20,000 Gold Ankh of Life (One-time exchange) Bishop Bayta in Nivarian
10 Small Diamonds and Bluesteel Greatsword 1000 XP and Adamantite Greatsword Stridsibum in Bappasalar Cave
10 Small Diamonds and Bluesteel Longsword 1000 XP and Adamantite Longsword Stridsibum in Bappasalar Cave
10 Small Diamonds and Bluesteel Shortsword 1000 XP and Adamantite Shortsword Stridsibum in Bappasalar Cave
2 Chunks of Fat, Merple and Deepfrost Cognac Whitetower Special Brewer Tonel in Whitetower (City)