
From Exiled Kingdoms Wiki

Exiled Kingdoms: Armor


Armor Sets

AshenApprenticeAssassin'sBlessed ChainBlessed PlatemailChainmailConjurerForest ChainHardened LeatherHunter'sJourneymanLeatherLegionLionskinMyrosianPlatemailPrimal IceThuramiamTolassian ChainTraitor's ChainTrollskinVelites Chain

Armor Table

All Armor Pages


Legion Armor is dropped by some Decurion Deserters found around Zamohr Mountains (boots, gauntlet, helm), found in sarcophagi in the Mercian Royal Crypt (all pieces), and sold in Freetown (City) (helm, breastplate)

List of Legion Armor

Icon Name Class Rarity Cost/Value Armor Health Mana Attribute Resistances Traits
Armor plate feet yellow.png Legion Boots W Uncommon 6500/1625 4 2 Fire.png 4 Cold.png 4
Armor plate chest yellow.png Legion Breastplate W Common 11000/2750 4 9 Fire.png 7 Cold.png 7
Armor plate hands yellow.png Legion Gauntlets W Uncommon 6000/1500 3 4 Fire.png 4 Cold.png 4
Armor plate head yellow.png Legion Helm W Common 7000/1750 3 3 Fire.png 4 Cold.png 4
Armor plate legs yellow.png Legion Leggings W Uncommon 8900/2225 4 7 Fire.png 5 Cold.png 5

Set Totals

  • Total Armor = 18
  • Total Health = 25
  • Total Mana = 0
  • Total Resists = Fire 24 / Cold 24
