“There is no temptation to being a powerful immortal with a superior library and the wits to use it,
nevertheless bring every scrap of Lichlore to the Great Library. Immediately!”― Loreseeker Bestiary
Exiled Kingdoms: Bestiary |
Animals ♦ Constructs ♦ Demons ♦ Dragonkind ♦ Elementals ♦ Humans ♦ Humanoids ♦ Magical Creatures ♦ The Undead |
Mob: Liches |
Beast Table |
Liches are a much superior variant of undead compared to zombies and skeletons, though they have a corporeal form they retain much intelligence and ability, and if anything their cunning and malevolence has increased. Most were advanced spellcasters in life, typically imbued with anti-paladin poewrs such as Unholy Shield and Unholy Heal as well as lifeforce-supressing powers such as Paralysis and Stun. Other still were the most skilled killers of the earth and have many superior martial powers.
To highlight their incredible status, most Liches are unique and encountered only once. The only exceptions are the Rumor Boss Lich which spawns regularly at higher levels, and the pair of Demiliches in the Sewer of Horrors which return with each dungeon refresh.
The iconic attributes of liches is they have both Detector and Ghost. Their hyperaware senses prevent ambush, and also they are healed by death magic despite not being literally incorporeal ghosts. They live via the very force of death.
Liches are members of The Undead and thus susceptible to Holy Weapons, they also add to number of killed Undead (for in-game statistics).
Ancient LichAncient revenant entombed under Lannegar's Blue-Steel mine. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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Araim Darkflames (Lich)Ancient revenant entombed under the Inori desert. Slaying Araim Darkflames is an exciting adventure worthy of the stage. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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Blafarne the LichBlafarne, Mylora and Varessa are the three ancient revenants entombed under the Ilmaran forest. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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DemilichProto-revenants entombed under Icemist. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuests
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Desecrated LichAncient revenant entombed under Thuram's glacier. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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High Priest of TolAncient revenant prophet entombed under the Inori desert. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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Lich (Rumor Boss)Ancient revenant which might reveal itself in any Tolassian tomb. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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Mausoleum LichEntombed revenant Magus Albrecius, Theurgist at the Battle of Deadwood. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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Merzadan the UndyingAncient revenant entombed under Icemist. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuests
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Mylora the LichBlafarne, Mylora and Varessa are the three ancient revenants entombed under the Ilmaran forest. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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Varessa the LichBlafarne, Mylora and Varessa are the three ancient revenants entombed under the Ilmaran forest. Healed by death attacks. LocationsQuestsDrops
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The AbbotThe Abbot Marcillus was the assistant of Saint Admus and swore himself to the Saint, vowing never to leave the walls of the Abbey. After the passing of Saint Admus, however, the Abbot was corrupted by the whispers of Sorcerous Hags and partook of their dark rituals. Seeking ever more power he bargained with Demons, sacrificing an innocent girl to them in return for Infernal Power. Dark mutterings about the Abbey saw the living avoid it and all manner of foul creatures moved in. In time even Abbot Marcillus passed... but he and his power linger yet. LocationsQuestsDrops