Off Hand

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Exiled Kingdoms: Weapons

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Off-Hand Weapon: Off Hand
Weapon Table

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Off Hand weapons are used to enhance your character's ability to inflict damage on the enemy. They are not actively used in gameplay, but are present. They come as dirks, hatchets, gauches and fangs. If you choose to follow a high-damage character build, it is normally more rewarding to use a two handed weapon than a single handed weapon and an off hand weapon. Even when playing Rogue, a Shield is generaly more useful than an Off Hand weapon.

Type: Off-Hand

List of Off Hand Weapons

Icon Name Class RarityCost/Val Damage Speed Crit % DPS Attribute
Weapon gauche blue.png Bluesteel Dirk R Uncommon1800/450 Sword.png 4-4 10 0 4
Weapon fang cursed.png Cursed Fang R Uncommon1000/250 Death.png 4 10 0 4 Stun 1
Weapon dirk.png Dirk W, R Common180/45 Sword.png 2-2 10 0 2
Weapon dirk.png Dirk of Betrayal R Unique4000/1000 Sword.png 5-5 10 0 5 Stun 1
Weapon dirk.png Dirk of the Gambler R Unique2800/700 Sword.png 5-5 10 0 5 Slow 1
Weapon dirk flaming.png Flaming Dirk R Uncommon1800/450 Fire.png 4 10 0 4
Weapon hatchet fire.png Flaming Hatchet W, R Common900/225 Fire.png 2 10 0 2
Weapon gauche blue.png Ghostfinger R Unique2000/500 Shock.png 5-5 10 0 5 Slow 1
Weapon hatchet.png Hatchet W, R Common900/225 Sword.png 3-3 10 0 3
Weapon dirk blue.png Lightning Dirk W, R Uncommon1300/325 Shock.png 3 10 0 3 Stun 1
Weapon gauche blue.png Main Gauche R Common600/150 Sword.png 2-2 10 0 2
Weapon gauche shadow.png Main Gauche of Shadows R Unique1400/350 Death.png 3 10 0 3 Slow 1
Weapon hatchet fire.png Tarand's Hatchet W, R Unique3500/875 Fire.png 4 10 0 4 Slow 1
Weapon hatchet blue.png Toecutter W, R Uncommon1300/325 Sword.png 3-3 10 0 3 Slow 1
