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Exiled Kingdoms: Items


Item: Potion
Item Table

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Potions that provide bonuses will replace existing potions bonus of that type.

  • Damage bonus will replace another damage bonus from an active potion.
  • Armor bonus will replace another armor bonus from an active potion.
  • Poison bonus will replace another poison bonus from an active potion.
  • Elemental resistance bonus will replace another resistance bonus of that type from an active potion.

Example: Potion of the Tragic Hero provides a +6 Damage and +10 Armor bonus. A subsequent Potion of Ogre Might will replace the +6 Damage with +3 Damage, but the +10 Armor will remain.

Example: Potion of Resist Toxic and Potion of Resist Fire provide +25 Resistance each, a subsequent Panacea will set +40 to Fire, Cold, and Shock, and the +25 Toxic will remain.

List of Potion Items

Icon NameClass Stackable Rarity Value Cost Quest Effect Effect Amount Duration/Range
Potion blue2.png Deepfrost Cognac C, M Common 13 50 Probably the Best Potion in the World Recover HP/Mana 10/20
Potion blue2.png Draught of the Forest Druid C, M Common 45 180 Recover HP/Mana 20/15
Potion bottle green.png Elixir of Galade All Common 300 1200 Add HP and Armor +120 HP, +12 Armor 8 seconds
Energycell.png Energy Cell All Common 125 500 Lose HP/Recover Mana -40 HP, +60 Mana
Potion omelette.png Epic Omelette All Crafted 125 500 Easy as Pie Recover HP, MP and Recovery button 50% of total
Potion dblue.png Essence of Darkness R Limited 225 900 Path of the Deer Poison Weapon 12 12 Seconds
Drink rum.png Friguld Rum All Common 17 70 The World is a Stage; The Snake Gang Random HP Gain 1-60
Potion Green2.png Giant Mead All Uncommon 50 200 Recover HP, Gain Might +75 HP, +5 melee damage 12 Seconds
Potion resist death2.png Greater Potion of Death Ward All Common 150 600 Resist Death 40 60 Seconds
Potion lblue3.png Greater Potion of Mana C,M Uncommon 250 1000 Gain Mana 70
Potion resist cold2.png Greater Potion of Resist Cold All Common 150 600 Resist Cold 40 60 Seconds
Potion resist fire2.png Greater Potion of Resist Fire All Common 150 600 Resist Fire 40 60 Seconds
Potion resist shock2.png Greater Potion of Resist Shock All Unique 150 600 Resist Shock 40 60 Seconds
Potion resist toxic2.png Greater Potion of Resist Toxic All Common 25 100 Resist Toxic 40 60 Seconds
Potion grey.png Greater Potion of Speed All Limited 87 350 Gain Speed 25 Seconds
Potion lblue.png Lesser Potion of Mana C,M Common 37 150 Gain Mana 20
Medipack.png Medipack All Common 125 500 Heals HP 160
Panacea.png Panacea All Limited 500 2000 Resist Fire, Cold, Shock 40 20 Seconds
Potion resist spirit.png Potion of Clarity All Crafted 75 300 Shielding the Mind Resist Spirit 30 30 Seconds
Potion resist death.png Potion of Death Ward All Common 25 100 Resist Death 20 60 Seconds
Potion resist death.png Potion of Epic Death Ward All Limited 25 100 Mightier than the Sword Resist Death 80 60 Seconds
Potion green.png Potion of Giant Strength All Common 62 250 Gain Might 6 20 Seconds
Potion red3.png Potion of Greater Healing All Common 150 600 Gain HP 90
Potion hero.png Potion of Heroism All Crafted 50 200 Eye of the Tiger Add HP, Armor, Melee Damage +60 HP, +6 Armor, +3 Attack 12 seconds
Potion dblue.png Potion of Invisibility All Common 87 350 Gain Invis 12 Seconds
Potion restoration.png Potion of Lesser Restoration All Crafted 200 800 Easy as Pie Recover HP and MP 50% of missing
Potion yellow.png Potion of Lesser Shielding All Common 25 100 Gain Shield 6 12 Seconds
Potion red.png Potion of Light Healing All Common 25 100 Gain HP 30
Potion lblue2.png Potion of Mana C,M Common 87 350 Gain Mana 35
Potion red2.png Potion of Moderate Healing All Common 62 250 Gather Ingredients Gain HP 60
Potion green.png Potion of Ogre Might All Common 30 120 Gain Might 3 20 Seconds
Potion resist cold.png Potion of Resist Cold All Common 25 100 Resist Cold 25 60 Seconds
Potion resist fire.png Potion of Resist Fire All Common 25 100 Resist Fire 25 60 Seconds
Potion resist shock.png Potion of Resist Shock All Common 25 100 Resist Shock 25 60 Seconds
Potion resist toxic.png Potion of Resist Toxic All Common 25 100 Resist Toxic 25 60 Seconds
Potion yellow.png Potion of Shielding All Common 50 200 Gain Shield 10 12 Seconds
Potion grey.png Potion of Speed All Common 97 390 Gain Speed 12 Seconds
Potion tragic hero.png Potion of the Tragic Hero All Crafted 50 200 Eye of the Tiger Lose HP but gain large Melee and armor bonus -50hp, +6 melee damage, +10 armor 15 seconds
Potion green.png Scorpion Venom R Common 125 500 Hunting Bugs!; Sand Vermin; The Snake Gang Poison Weapon 7 10 Seconds
Potion green.png Spider Venom R Common 37 150 Hunting Bugs!; Sand Vermin Poison Weapon 4 15 Seconds
Potion Iron.png Vial of the Iron Guardian All Unique 500 2000 A Hard Bargainer Summon Iron Guardian 60 Seconds
Potion blue3.png Whitetower Special C, M Crafted 50 200 Probably the Best Potion in the World Recover HP/Mana 15/40
