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Exiled Kingdoms: Items


Item: Scroll
Item Table

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List of Scroll Items

Icon NameClass Stackable Rarity Value Cost Quest Effect Effect Amount Duration/Range
Book2.png Ancient Tolassian Tome All Uncommon 250 1000 Gain Trait Point 1
Scroll4.png Scroll of Detection All Common 60 240 Detect
Scroll wis great.png Scroll of Greater Wisdom All Uncommon 60 240 +XP% 15 2 Days
Scr less wis.png Scroll of Lesser Wisdom All Common 100 400 +XP% 7 2 Days
Scroll1.png Scroll of Recall All Common 70 280 Recall
Scr Wis.png Scroll of Wisdom All Uncommon 60 240 +XP% 10 2 Days
Scr restoration.png Scroll: Circle of Restoration All Common 375 1500 Heal Party 50% Party
Scroll planar.png Scroll: Planar Binding All Uncommon 100 400 None Heal summons 80hp
Scr dire wolf.png Scroll: Summon Dire Wolf All Common 100 400 None Summon Dire Wolf 60s
Scr earth elemental.png Scroll: Summon Earth Elemental All Uncommon 225 900 None Summon Earth Elemental 60s
Scroll elemental fire.png Scroll: Summon Fire Elemental All Common 150 600 None Summon Fire Elemental 60s
Scroll elemental ice.png Scroll: Summon Ice Elemental All Common 150 600 None Summon Ice Elemental 60s
Scr wolf.png Scroll: Summon Wolf All Common 62 250 None Summon Wolf 60s
Scroll1b.png Scroll: Teleport All Common 150 600 Teleportation
Scr turn undead.png Scroll: Turn Undead All Common 225 900 Paralyze Undead 4s/4m
Book4.png Tome of Lost Wisdom All Limited 2000 8000 Trial and Error Gain Skill Point 1
