
From Exiled Kingdoms Wiki
I would love to find some recipes for their eggs.
― Loreseeker Bestiary

Exiled Kingdoms: Bestiary

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Mob: Vorators
Beast Table

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These incredibly dangerous featherless chicken-like Magical Creatures with bluesteel teeth were bred and alchemised to help with mining, especially the excavation of precious gems.

Their backstory is investigated in the quest Stopping Prejudice, and the research scrapbook My Little Vorator, by Terezza have many notes but most especially valuable are the licencing notes regarding plushies. Two decades ago Terezza named the first vorator Grozza but she became insatiable and ate Terezza. Since then Grozza has spawned numerous matriarchs each of which has spawned whelp vorators.

Vorator Eggs, found in their lairs, can be used by Ronaëf to craft the incredibly useful survival ration Epic Omelette. See the quest Easy as Pie for more detail.

Being part-magic they have many extremely high elemental resistances and no special vulnerabilities, but they have no defence against cold and only limited defence against spirit.

Vorators are Beasts and so are vulnerable to Beast Slayer Weapons.

Grozza the Insatiable

Will devour anything, be it rocks, steel, trash...
or adventurers.
― Loreseeker Notes

A man-made, or rather woman-made, disaster. Terezza's experiments explored the possibility of using magical beasts to mine gems. In so doing she created the insatiable Grozza, who turned on her creator, consumed her within mere moments, and thereafter spawned the vorator outbreak.

Standing taller than any other of its kind, this beast has incredible stamina and packs a huge, strong bite full of large bluesteel teeth. Protected by a hard skin and strong elemental resistances this extremely dangerous beast should be approached with utmost caution.



  • None


Level Armor HP
18 Shield small.png 23 Heart.png 712
Damage Extra Damage Speed Crit % DPS Resistances
Sword.png 42-56 Speed.png 10 5 50.1 Fire.png 300 Shock.png 50 Death.png 300 Poison.png 300 Holy.png 30
Attributes Skills Proc Effect
Beast Bash: 3; Heavyhand: 3

Matriarch Voratrix


A mage-made disaster. Experiments exploring the possibility of using magical beasts to mine gems went wrong and created an outbreak of Vorators. Their huge jaws are just as good at tearing humans apart as they are chewing through rock with their large bluesteel teeth.

The Matriarchs are stronger, fully grown versions who repeatedly spawn fast-hatching eggs in well-guarded nests.



  • None


  • None
Level Armor HP
15 Shield small.png 19 Heart.png 314
Damage Extra Damage Speed Crit % DPS Resistances
Sword.png 35-49 Speed.png 10 5 43 Fire.png 200 Shock.png 50 Death.png 200 Poison.png 200 Holy.png 30
Attributes Skills Proc Effect
Beast Bash: 3; Heavyhand: 2



A mage-made disaster. Experiments exploring the possibility of using magical beasts to mine gems went wrong and created an outbreak of Vorators. Their huge jaws are just as good at tearing humans apart as they are chewing through rock with their bluesteel teeth.



  • None


  • None
Level Armor HP
13 Shield small.png 14 Heart.png 100
Damage Extra Damage Speed Crit % DPS Resistances
Sword.png 25-39 Speed.png 10 5 32.9 Fire.png 100 Shock.png 50 Death.png 100 Poison.png 100 Holy.png 20
Attributes Skills Proc Effect
Beast Bash: 2



Credits for EK