Poison Master

From Exiled Kingdoms Wiki
Poison Master

You are well versed in the dubious art of poisoning your weapons, and your familiarity makes you resistant to many of them
― In-game text

Extends the duration and power of poison potions APPLIED to weapons, notably Spider Venom, Scorpion Venom, and Essence of Darkness.

It does NOT affect the permanent elemental effect on poisonous weapons such as the Dagger of Poison, Hammer of Corrosion, or Poisonous Longbow, however you CAN add additional poison potions to these weapons.


War Rog Cle Mag

This is an advanced skill, learned from: Kardagis

Prerequisites: Intellect 1, Endurance 2, Seventh House membership


Level Effect Cost
1 Increase poison duration by 50%. +10 to Toxic Resistance 1
2 Increase poison effect by 25%, and duration by 75%. +20 to Toxic Resistance 2
3 Increase poison effect by 50%, and duration by 100%. +30 to Toxic Resistance 3

Enemies Using this Skill

Name Type Level XP Health Armor Damage DPS Resistances
