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Reputation grants or denies players access to activities involving Factions. This access may come in a variety of forms, from Quests to travel using boats or teleporters. Reputation is displayed on the Character Sheet.


Reputation Name Description
−100 to −80 Arch-enemy You are deeply hated and considered an Arch-enemy here.
−79 to −60 Enemy You are hated and considered an Enemy here.
−59 to −40 Criminal You are hated and considered a Criminal here.
−39 to −20 Bandit You are mistrusted and considered a Bandit here.
−19 to −5 Rascal You are mistrusted and considered a Rascal here.
−4 to +9 Unknown You are Unknown here, and your presence mostly ignored.
+10 to +24 Friendly You are considered Friendly here, and treated respectfully.
+25 to +39 Trusted You are considered Trusted here, and treated respectfully.
+40 to +59 Hero You are considered a Hero here, and recognized by most people with admiration.
+60 to +79 Great hero You are considered a Great hero here, and recognized by most people with admiration and awe
+80 to +100 Legendary hero You are a Legendary hero here, and everyone smiles and salutes you in deep respect.

Reputation Checks

The following list provides an overview on all Reputation checks currently known in the game. A check is passed if your reputation is equal to or larger than the respective value given below.

Faction ReputationNPC / ObjectQuestArea Description
Friguld Governor −10Chancellor MalardThe Snake GangGovernor's Manor Required to talk with Chancellor Malard about the The Snake Gang, thus gaining all options for this quest. Note: You can whitewash your reputation for 1,000 Gold (500 Gold when passing a Personality 3 check) as long as it is above −90 and you didn't rob the Golden Cove Bank.
Friguld Governor +1CaptainNoneFriguld (City) Necessary for peacefully entering Friguld for free and not being bothered by the Captain anymore. Otherwise you have to pay 100 Gold or a bottle of Friguld Rum each time you pass the city gate. Alternative: Passing a Personality 3 check, killing the Captain, or never possessing enough gold in the first place.
Golden Hand +1Conjurer (Golden Hand)NoneThe Grey Library Required to enter the library without a fight. Note: You only need to pass this check once. Thereafter access will be granted irrespective of your actual reputation.
Ilmara +10Boatman CleonNoneNivarian (City) Required for convincing Boatman Cleon to offer you transportation to Kingsbridge and Rhöneis.
Ilmara +20Guardian (Hall of Wisdom)NoneThe Hall of Wisdom Mandatory for gaining access to the The Hall of Wisdom. Additionally, a reputation of +20 with The Three is needed. Note: You only need to pass this check once. Thereafter access will be granted irrespective of your actual reputation.
Ilmara +40Captain PeloratNoneNivarian (City) Required to buy the Nivarian House from Captain Pelorat.
Jabal (City) −9Praetor SilenaNoneJabal (City) Necessary for getting into conversation with Praetor Silena when the quest The Price of Freedom is not active. Otherwise she will just say "I'm watching you."
Kingsbridge (City) +10Boatman OrrusNoneKingsbridge (City) Required for convincing Boatman Orrus to offer you transportation to Rhöneis.
Lannegar (City) +10Captain WhitewaterHead HuntingLannegar (City) Mandatory for initiating the quest Head Hunting.
Rhöneis (City) +10Boatman OrrusNoneRhöneis (City) Required for convincing Boatman Narrim to offer you transportation to Kingsbridge.
Royal Loreseekers +10Rur'azarA Key to the PastThe Great Library Necessary for convincing Rur'azar to do some research for you, thus advancing the quests A Key to the Past and Where is Amarisa?.
Royal Loreseekers +15GebadiNoneThe Great Library Necessary for learning the skills Death Ward and Magical Training from Gebadi.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneFögas (City) Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneGreat Inori Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneIcemist (City) Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneLannegar (City) Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneKingsbridge (City) Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneNew Anthur (City) Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneNew Garand (City) Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneNivarian (City) Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three −10Altar of The ThreeNoneRhöneis (City) Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts.
The Three +0AltarNoneThe Hall of Wisdom Necessary for receiving holy visions from the altar.
The Three +20Brother De FrereThe Missing MissionaryIcemist (City) Mandatory for initiating the quest The Missing Missionary.
The Three +20Guardian (Hall of Wisdom)NoneThe Hall of Wisdom Mandatory for gaining access to the The Hall of Wisdom. Additionally, a reputation of +20 with Ilmara is needed. Note: You only need to pass this check once. Thereafter access will be granted irrespective of your actual reputation.
The Three +25Sister GentaThe Cursed AbbeyFögas (City) Mandatory for initiating the quest The Cursed Abbey.
The Three +25Brother Iagus... and the Abyss Gazed BackNew Anthur (City) Mandatory for initiating the quest ... and the Abyss Gazed Back.
The Three +25Brother PalverThe Moon ChildrenNivarian (City) Mandatory for initiating the quest The Moon Children.
The Three +32Bishop BareidThe Dead GodThe Hall of Wisdom Mandatory for advancing the quest The Dead God.
The Three +35Guardian (Chapel of the Faithful)NoneThe Hall of Wisdom Mandatory for gaining access to the Chapel of the Faithful within The Hall of Wisdom. Note: You only need to pass this check once. Thereafter access will be granted irrespective of your actual reputation.
Thuram −9Conjurer (Icemist)NoneIcemist Fjord Mandatory for gaining access to Icemist. Note: If your reputation is lower than −44, you will get attacked instantly. If it is in the range −44 to −10, and you pass a PER 3 check, you get the chance to restore your reputation by delivering The Orb of Shadows and 10,000 Gold.
Varannari −9Steel ThunderHuman ResourcesEastern Inori Necessary for convincing Steel Thunder that your intentions are peaceful. Otherwise a fight with the Bear Clan is unavoidable.
Varannari 10Stone FangLast of the LegionVarann Woodland Needed to enter the Elder Forest on friendly terms with the Varannari. If your rep is above -5, they will not be hostile, but will refuse entry.
Varannari 10Bed RollsNoneElder Forest Friendly reputation required in order to be able to rest at the beds safely.
Varannari 25Stone FangLast of the LegionVarann Woodland Needed to enter the Elder Forest on the best terms, enabling more quest resolution options.
Varannari 25Star ShadowNoneElder Forest Mandatory to get Star Shadow to talk to you, enabling you to learn Beast Master.
Varannari 25Hunting MoonLast of the LegionElder Forest Necessary to open up the peaceful resolution path to the quest, for the best rewards.
Varannari 25Laughing DeerPath of the DeerElder Forest Required to meditate with Laughing Deer and reach the Spirit world, initiating the quest.
Varsilia +30Castle GuardNoneNew Garand (City) Mandatory for gaining access to the Royal Castle Yard.
Varsilia +40RaegarThose in NeedMount Storme Necessary for scaring Raegar and his men away and make them leave the valley. Alternative: Being a member of the Seventh House.
Varsilia +40Governor TodbirTrial and ErrorWestern Korne Required to make Governor Todbir listen to your inquiry about Bagadar, thus advancing the quest Trial and Error.
Varsilia +40LatimerWhere is GilesNew Garand (City) Mandatory for initiating the quest Where is Giles.
Varsilia +60Captain DemetriusThe Poisoned RiverNew Anthur (City) Mandatory for initiating the quest The Poisoned River.
Wizard's Guild −9Door to Iron EnclaveNoneIron Valley Required to enter the Iron Enclave.
Wizard's Guild −9Door to Great Plains EnclaveNoneGreat Plains Required to enter the Great Plains Enclave.
Wizard's Guild −9Door to Inori EnclaveNoneNorthern Inori Required to enter the Inori Enclave.
Wizard's Guild −9Door to Sagar EnclaveNoneSouth Sagar Forest Required to enter the Sagar Enclave.
Wizard's Guild +7AglaronNoneIron Enclave Necessary for learning the skills Fire Mastery and Fire Ward from Aglaron.
Wizard's Guild +7Arabelle de WinterNoneGreat Plains Enclave Necessary for learning the skills Ice Mastery and Ice Ward from Arabelle de Winter.
Wizard's Guild +7MisaraNoneInori Enclave Necessary for learning the skills Mage Barrier and Shock Ward from Misara.
Wizard's Guild +7BarahidStopping PrejudiceGreat Plains Enclave Mandatory for initiating the quest Stopping Prejudice.

Reputation Changes

The following list provides an overview on all Reputation changes in the game.

Faction ReputationNPC / ObjectQuestArea Description
New Anthur −2 Alarbus ... and the Abyss Gazed Back New Anthur (City) Dialogue: threatening Alabus
The Three +1, +5 xxx ... and the Abyss Gazed Back New Anthur (City) Quest rewards.