From Exiled Kingdoms Wiki
Reputation grants or denies players access to activities involving Factions. This access may come in a variety of forms, from Quests to travel using boats or teleporters. Reputation is displayed on the Character Sheet.
Reputation | Name | Description |
−100 to −80 | Arch-enemy | You are deeply hated and considered an Arch-enemy here. |
−79 to −60 | Enemy | You are hated and considered an Enemy here. |
−59 to −40 | Criminal | You are hated and considered a Criminal here. |
−39 to −20 | Bandit | You are mistrusted and considered a Bandit here. |
−19 to −5 | Rascal | You are mistrusted and considered a Rascal here. |
−4 to +9 | Unknown | You are Unknown here, and your presence mostly ignored. |
+10 to +24 | Friendly | You are considered Friendly here, and treated respectfully. |
+25 to +39 | Trusted | You are considered Trusted here, and treated respectfully. |
+40 to +59 | Hero | You are considered a Hero here, and recognized by most people with admiration. |
+60 to +79 | Great hero | You are considered a Great hero here, and recognized by most people with admiration and awe |
+80 to +100 | Legendary hero | You are a Legendary hero here, and everyone smiles and salutes you in deep respect. |
Reputation Checks
The following list provides an overview on all Reputation checks currently known in the game. A check is passed if your reputation is equal to or larger than the respective value given below.
Faction | Reputation | NPC / Object | Quest | Area | Description |
Friguld Governor | −10 | Chancellor Malard | The Snake Gang | Governor's Manor | Required to talk with Chancellor Malard about the The Snake Gang, thus gaining all options for this quest. Note: You can whitewash your reputation for 1,000 Gold (500 Gold when passing a Personality 3 check) as long as it is above −90 and you didn't rob the Golden Cove Bank. |
Friguld Governor | +1 | Captain | None | Friguld (City) | Necessary for peacefully entering Friguld for free and not being bothered by the Captain anymore. Otherwise you have to pay 100 Gold or a bottle of Friguld Rum each time you pass the city gate. Alternative: Passing a Personality 3 check, killing the Captain, or never possessing enough gold in the first place. |
Golden Hand | +1 | Conjurer (Golden Hand) | None | The Grey Library | Required to enter the library without a fight. Note: You only need to pass this check once. Thereafter access will be granted irrespective of your actual reputation. |
Ilmara | +10 | Boatman Cleon | None | Nivarian (City) | Required for convincing Boatman Cleon to offer you transportation to Kingsbridge and Rhöneis. |
Ilmara | +20 | Guardian (Hall of Wisdom) | None | The Hall of Wisdom | Mandatory for gaining access to the The Hall of Wisdom. Additionally, a reputation of +20 with The Three is needed. Note: You only need to pass this check once. Thereafter access will be granted irrespective of your actual reputation. |
Ilmara | +40 | Captain Pelorat | None | Nivarian (City) | Required to buy the Nivarian House from Captain Pelorat. |
Jabal (City) | −9 | Praetor Silena | None | Jabal (City) | Necessary for getting into conversation with Praetor Silena when the quest The Price of Freedom is not active. Otherwise she will just say "I'm watching you." |
Kingsbridge (City) | +10 | Boatman Orrus | None | Kingsbridge (City) | Required for convincing Boatman Orrus to offer you transportation to Rhöneis. |
Lannegar (City) | +10 | Captain Whitewater | Head Hunting | Lannegar (City) | Mandatory for initiating the quest Head Hunting. |
Rhöneis (City) | +10 | Boatman Orrus | None | Rhöneis (City) | Required for convincing Boatman Narrim to offer you transportation to Kingsbridge. |
Royal Loreseekers | +10 | Rur'azar | A Key to the Past | The Great Library | Necessary for convincing Rur'azar to do some research for you, thus advancing the quests A Key to the Past and Where is Amarisa?. |
Royal Loreseekers | +15 | Gebadi | None | The Great Library | Necessary for learning the skills Death Ward and Magical Training from Gebadi. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | Fögas (City) | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | Great Inori | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | Icemist (City) | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | Lannegar (City) | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | Kingsbridge (City) | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | New Anthur (City) | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | New Garand (City) | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | Nivarian (City) | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | −10 | Altar of The Three | None | Rhöneis (City) | Required to use the altar for gaining mana (Clerics only) and XP boosts. |
The Three | +0 | Altar | None | The Hall of Wisdom | Necessary for receiving holy visions from the altar. |
The Three | +20 | Brother De Frere | The Missing Missionary | Icemist (City) | Mandatory for initiating the quest The Missing Missionary. |
The Three | +20 | Guardian (Hall of Wisdom) | None | The Hall of Wisdom | Mandatory for gaining access to the The Hall of Wisdom. Additionally, a reputation of +20 with Ilmara is needed. Note: You only need to pass this check once. Thereafter access will be granted irrespective of your actual reputation. |
The Three | +25 | Sister Genta | The Cursed Abbey | Fögas (City) | Mandatory for initiating the quest The Cursed Abbey. |
The Three | +25 | Brother Iagus | ... and the Abyss Gazed Back | New Anthur (City) | Mandatory for initiating the quest ... and the Abyss Gazed Back. |
The Three | +25 | Brother Palver | The Moon Children | Nivarian (City) | Mandatory for initiating the quest The Moon Children. |
The Three | +32 | Bishop Bareid | The Dead God | The Hall of Wisdom | Mandatory for advancing the quest The Dead God. |
The Three | +35 | Guardian (Chapel of the Faithful) | None | The Hall of Wisdom | Mandatory for gaining access to the Chapel of the Faithful within The Hall of Wisdom. Note: You only need to pass this check once. Thereafter access will be granted irrespective of your actual reputation. |
Thuram | −9 | Conjurer (Icemist) | None | Icemist Fjord | Mandatory for gaining access to Icemist. Note: If your reputation is lower than −44, you will get attacked instantly. If it is in the range −44 to −10, and you pass a PER 3 check, you get the chance to restore your reputation by delivering The Orb of Shadows and 10,000 Gold. |
Varannari | −9 | Steel Thunder | Human Resources | Eastern Inori | Necessary for convincing Steel Thunder that your intentions are peaceful. Otherwise a fight with the Bear Clan is unavoidable. |
Varannari | 10 | Stone Fang | Last of the Legion | Varann Woodland | Needed to enter the Elder Forest on friendly terms with the Varannari. If your rep is above -5, they will not be hostile, but will refuse entry. |
Varannari | 10 | Bed Rolls | None | Elder Forest | Friendly reputation required in order to be able to rest at the beds safely. |
Varannari | 25 | Stone Fang | Last of the Legion | Varann Woodland | Needed to enter the Elder Forest on the best terms, enabling more quest resolution options. |
Varannari | 25 | Star Shadow | None | Elder Forest | Mandatory to get Star Shadow to talk to you, enabling you to learn Beast Master. |
Varannari | 25 | Hunting Moon | Last of the Legion | Elder Forest | Necessary to open up the peaceful resolution path to the quest, for the best rewards. |
Varannari | 25 | Laughing Deer | Path of the Deer | Elder Forest | Required to meditate with Laughing Deer and reach the Spirit world, initiating the quest. |
Varsilia | +30 | Castle Guard | None | New Garand (City) | Mandatory for gaining access to the Royal Castle Yard. |
Varsilia | +40 | Raegar | Those in Need | Mount Storme | Necessary for scaring Raegar and his men away and make them leave the valley. Alternative: Being a member of the Seventh House. |
Varsilia | +40 | Governor Todbir | Trial and Error | Western Korne | Required to make Governor Todbir listen to your inquiry about Bagadar, thus advancing the quest Trial and Error. |
Varsilia | +40 | Latimer | Where is Giles | New Garand (City) | Mandatory for initiating the quest Where is Giles. |
Varsilia | +60 | Captain Demetrius | The Poisoned River | New Anthur (City) | Mandatory for initiating the quest The Poisoned River. |
Wizard's Guild | −9 | Door to Iron Enclave | None | Iron Valley | Required to enter the Iron Enclave. |
Wizard's Guild | −9 | Door to Great Plains Enclave | None | Great Plains | Required to enter the Great Plains Enclave. |
Wizard's Guild | −9 | Door to Inori Enclave | None | Northern Inori | Required to enter the Inori Enclave. |
Wizard's Guild | −9 | Door to Sagar Enclave | None | South Sagar Forest | Required to enter the Sagar Enclave. |
Wizard's Guild | +7 | Aglaron | None | Iron Enclave | Necessary for learning the skills Fire Mastery and Fire Ward from Aglaron. |
Wizard's Guild | +7 | Arabelle de Winter | None | Great Plains Enclave | Necessary for learning the skills Ice Mastery and Ice Ward from Arabelle de Winter. |
Wizard's Guild | +7 | Misara | None | Inori Enclave | Necessary for learning the skills Mage Barrier and Shock Ward from Misara. |
Wizard's Guild | +7 | Barahid | Stopping Prejudice | Great Plains Enclave | Mandatory for initiating the quest Stopping Prejudice. |
Reputation Changes
The following list provides an overview on all Reputation changes in the game.
Faction | Reputation | NPC / Object | Quest | Area | Description |
New Anthur | −2 | Alarbus | ... and the Abyss Gazed Back | New Anthur (City) | Dialogue: threatening Alabus |
The Three | +1, +5 | xxx | ... and the Abyss Gazed Back | New Anthur (City) | Quest rewards. |