Skill Table

From Exiled Kingdoms Wiki
  • See page Skill for skills listed by class.
Name War Rog Cle Mag Gen Adv Effects Points Cooldown Mana Reqs
Arbenos' Might.png Arbenos' Might You do +3/+5/+8 damage, and +4 fire damage, for 12/14/16 seconds. 1/2/3 20/20/20 2/4/7
Arcane Blade.png Arcane Blade Weapon elemental damage improved0/x1.5/x2/x2.5. 2/2/2/2 Strength 3
Arcanist.png Arcanist Reduces mana cost by 1/2/3. 2/2/2 Mana Surge 2; Endurance 3; Wizard's Guild membership.
Archery.png Archery Gain +1/+2/+3 arrow damage, and an extra +1 for each 5/4/3 levels. 3%/5%/7% stun chance. 1/2/3
Assassinate.png Assassinate 10%/20%/35% chance of Stab immediate cooldown, 30%/50%/75% if the Stab killed the enemy 1/2/3 Stab 3, Seventh House membership
Bash.png Bash Enemy pushed back 2/3/4 meters and stunned 1/2/3 seconds (+1 second if you use a shield) 1/1/2 16/14/12
Battle Prayer.png Battle Prayer Gain +3/5/8 armor, +2/3/5 damage and +0/10/25 to all resistances 1/2/3 12/12/12 6/9/12 Nivaria's Barrier 2; Personality 5; The Three membership
Battle Rage.png Battle Rage Gain +2/3/4 Str, +3/4/5 Armor, and immunity to mental effects for 6/8/9 secs. 1/2/3 30/30/30 Endurance 4, Fury 3
Beast Master.png Beast Master Gain +2/+3/+4 dmg vs Beasts, Summon Bear 1/2/2 1080/540/360
Bloodlust.png Bloodlust After killing an enemy, +3/4/6 Damage and +2/3/4 Armor for 6 seconds. 1/2/3 Personality 3
Body Development.png Body Development Each point of Endurance/Strength/Endurance grants you 1.5/1/2hp/level 1/2/3 Endurance 4
Charge.png Charge Charge does +60%/+90%/+125%/+160% damage. 1/1/2/3 12/11/10/9
Cleave.png Cleave You hit one enemy normally, and one/two/three extra enemies for 50%/60%/75% damage 1/2/3
Combustion.png Combustion Deals 15-30/20-40/28-56 Fire damage, enemy loses -3/-6/-10 Armor, -20/-40/-60 to Resistances 2/2/3 15/15/15 25/35/45 None
Crusader.png Crusader Your hits have a 2%/4%/5% stun chance. Against undead, +2/+4/+6 Damage. 1/2/3
Death Cloud.png Death Cloud Deals 10-20/14-28/18-36 toxic damage, enemy is slowed and suffers -30/-50/-80 Death resistance 2/2/2 12/12/12 20/25/30 None
Death Ward.png Death Ward Gain +12/24/36 to resist death. 1/1/1 Endurance 2
Disintegrate.png Disintegrate Disintegrate does +50/75/100 damage on your next attack, +0/1/2 per level. 1/2/3 20/20/20 25/50/70 Intellect 5; Wizard's Guild membership
Duel.png Duel Damage increments by +1/+2/+2 per hit, up to a maximum of +4/+6/+10 1/2/3 Personality 2, Warrior's Guild membership
Dungeoneering.png Dungeoneering Gain a +10%/+18%/+25% bonus to find traps and secret doors. 1/1/1
Earth Mastery.png Earth Mastery Summon a level 8/11/15 Earth Elemental/Earth Elemental/Iron Golem. 2/2/3 30/30/30 40/60/80 Lesser Summoning 2; Personality 4; Wizard's Guild membership
Evasion.png Evasion 50%/70%/90% chance to dodge any attacks during 5 seconds. 1/2/3 30/25/20
Explosive Traps.png Explosive Traps Explosion deals 12-24/18-36/24-48 fire damage. 1/2/3 Trap Master 3
Extra Recovery.png Extra Recovery Gain +1/+2 recovery/day 3/3
Fire Mastery.png Fire Mastery Summon a level 7/10/13 Fire Elemental. 2/2/2 10/10/10 25/35/45 Lesser Summoning 2; Personality 3; Wizard's Guild reputation 7
Fire Ward.png Fire Ward Gain +12/24/36 to resist fire. 1/1/1 Endurance 2; Wizard's Guild reputation 7
Fireball.png Fireball You deal 9-18/15-30/28-56/42-84 fire damage. 1/2/2/2 5/5/5/5 4/8/16/32
Flames of Faith.png Flames of Faith Each second, flames heal allies for 5/8/10hp and burn enemies for 8/15/21 Spirit damage 1/2/3 30/30/30 15/25/35 Sacred Fire 3; The Three membership
Flurry.png Flurry Attack speed increased by 25/50/75% for 6 seconds. 1/2/3 20/20/20 Agility 6
Fury.png Fury When you have less than 30%/35%/35% HP, deal +30%/+50%/+65% damage. 1/2/2
Gate.png Gate Recall to the closest town/an already visited town of your choice. 1/1 20/20 20/20 None
Gossip.png Gossip Gain a +5%/+10%/+15% bonus to learn rumors. 1/1/1
Guardian Wolf.png Guardian Wolf Summon a level 7/10/13 Dire/White/Spirit Wolf for 3/5/5 min. 2/2/2 120/90/60 15/20/35 Intellect 3
Heal Wounds.png Heal Wounds Heals a total of 30/75/125 HP 1/2/3 10/8/5 6/12/18
Heavyhand.png Heavyhand Gain +1/+3/+5 extra damage per attack 1/2/3 Strength 4, Warrior's Guild membership
Holy Shield.png Holy Shield Gain +4/+6/+8/+10 armor and +25/+40/+60/+80 resistance vs Death, for 12 seconds 1/2/2/2 15/15/15/15 5/5/6/6
Ice Mastery.png Ice Mastery Summon a level 7/10/13 Ice Elemental. 1/2/3 20/20/20 25/35/45 Lesser Summoning 2; Personality 3; Wizard's Guild reputation 7
Ice Storm.png Ice Storm You deal 8-16/12-24/18-36/32-64 cold damage. 1/2/2/2 3/3/3/3 4/7/12/24
Ice Ward.png Ice Ward Gain +12/24/36 to resist cold. 1/1/1 Endurance 2; Wizard's Guild reputation 7
Infantry Training.png Infantry Training Negate 35%/50% of critical hits received, halve stun duration/immune to stun, halve paralysis time 2/3 Personality 3; Shield Expert 3
Intervention.png Intervention You are healed for 2/4/8 HP for each mana point you had left 1/1/1
Kick.png Kick Enemy pushed back 2/3/4 meters and slowed for 3/4/5 seconds 1/1/2 9/8/7
Lesser Summoning.png Lesser Summoning Summon a Level 2-3/4-6 Lesser Sparkling. 2/2 30/30 12/20
Lightning Bolt.png Lightning Bolt You deal 10-15/15-20/20-28/36-44 damage, +0/1/2/2 per level. 20/25/30/40% stun chance. 1/2/2/2 5/5/5/5 5/9/18/24
Mage Armor.png Mage Armor Gain +6/9/14/21 armor and +0/15/20/30 to fire, cold and shock resistance. Wears off after 3/4/5/6 hits. 1/2/2/2 5/5/5/5 3/5/9/16
Mage Barrier.png Mage Barrier Enemies are pushed back 1.0/1.5/2.0m and receive 12/25/40 shock damage. Stun chance 0/10/30%. 1/2/3 Mage Armor 3; Wizard's Guild reputation 7
Magical Training.png Magical Training You can use scrolls and wands with mana cost, spending 10/6/4hp per mana point. 1/1/1 Intellect 3
Mana Surge.png Mana Surge Increase your mana pool by 3/6/9, and +1/2/3 per level. 1/2/3
Massive Criticals.png Massive Criticals Criticals do up to 200%/250%/300% of max weapon damage, 10%/25%/50% chance to kill weaker enemies. 1/2/3 Strength 3
Nivaria's Barrier.png Nivaria's Barrier Gain +1/+2/+3 armor, an extra +1/+2/+3 vs undead attacks. 1/1/2
Poison Master.png Poison Master Increase poison effect by 0%/25%/50%, and duration by 50%/75%/100%. Add +10/+20/+30 to Toxic Resistance 1/2/3 Intellect 1, Endurance 2, Seventh House membership
Precision Shots.png Precision Shots Increase weapon's base critical chance by 50%/100%/150% 1/2/3 Intellect 1, Awareness 1
Precision Strikes.png Precision Strikes Increase weapon's base critical chance by 50%/100%/150% 1/2/3 Intellect 1, Awareness 1
Rapid Fire.png Rapid Fire Attack speed increased by 40%/70%/100% for 6 seconds 1/2/3 20/20/20 Agility 4
Resilience.png Resilience Gain +5/+9/+14 armor for 6/8/10 seconds. 1/2/3 35/35/35
Retribution.png Retribution You recover 1/2 mana points per undead/outsider destroyed. 2/3 Intellect 2, The Three membership
Sacred Fire.png Sacred Fire Flames deal 12/24/48 damage, and additional +8/+12/+20 damage to undead. 1/2/2 8/6/3 3/6/9
Shield Expert.png Shield Expert When wielding a shield, +1/+2/+3 armor, an extra +2/+3/+4 vs projectiles. 1/1/1
Shock Ward.png Shock Ward Gain +12/24/36 to resist shock. 1/1/1 Endurance 2; Wizard's Guild reputation 7
Smoke Bomb.png Smoke Bomb Basic smoke bomb, use stealth in front of enemies; Bomb has 0%/35%/50% chance to stun close enemies for 0/3/5 seconds 2/2/2 Stealth 3, Seventh House membership
Sneak Attack.png Sneak Attack When flanking an enemy, deal +50%/+70%/+100% damage and stun for 0/1/1 second(0/15%/25% chance) 1/2/3
Spiritual Ward.png Spiritual Ward Gain +10/20/30 to Spirit resistance. 1/1/1 Personality 2
Sprint.png Sprint You can sprint for 4/5/6 seconds. 1/1/1 30/25/20
Stab.png Stab Your next attack deals extra damage: 6 + lvl/10 + lvl/10+(lvl*1.5)/10+(lvl*2) 1/2/3/3 14/12/10/9
Staff Mastery.png Staff Mastery Your attacks have a 25/30/35/40% chance of slowing enemies. Add 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0x INT to damage (rounding down). 1/2/2/3
Stealth.png Stealth Stealth lasts 8/10/12 seconds with added effects of none/lower chance of being heard/50% chance to open doors/locks unnoticed. 1/2/3 25/25/25
Summoner.png Summoner The creatures you summon gain +1/2/3 levels. 1/1/2 Personality 3
Thelume's Wisdom.png Thelume's Wisdom 75%/95% chance of detecting hidden items in a 10m/20m radius. You'll also know about undiscovered doors in the area. 1/1 30/30 3/5
Toxic Ward.png Toxic Ward Gain +12/24/36 to resist toxic. 1/1/1 Endurance 2
Trap Master.png Trap Master Set trap (15/20/30 seconds duration, level 1-3/4-6/6-10). +10%/+20%/+30% bonus to disarm traps and locks. 1/2/3 15/15/15
Turn Undead.png Turn Undead Paralyze for 3/4/5 seconds all the undead enemies in a 2/4/6 meter radius. 1/2/3 20/20/20 4/5/6 Crusader 2; The Three membership
Two Handed Expert.png Two Handed Expert With 2-handed weapons, your STR multiplier to damage increases from x1.5 to x1.5/x2/x2.5, and add +5%/+5%/+10% stun chance. 1/2/3
Vampiric Blade.png Vampiric Blade Weapon death damage improved 0/x1.5/x2. Each killed enemy will heal you for 5hp/5hp/10hp and, if it's a spellcaster or outsider, 0/+3/+5 mana. 2/3/4 Strength 3
Wand Mastery.png Wand Mastery Your wand attacks gain +1/3/5/8 damage and generate a pushback of 1/1.4/1.7/2m. 1/2/2/3
Whirlwind.png Whirlwind Whirlwind deals 50%/75%/100%/120% extra damage, 0%/3%/5%/7% stun chance. 1/2/3/3 12/11/10/9

Resetting Skill points

  • You can reset your character's skills and redistribute skill points by talking to an NPC qualified to do so. They can also reset trait points, or remove your advanced skills. The cost is steep and escalates per reset.
  • They can also reset companion's trait and skill points, again for a substantial gold fee. Your companion cannot reset their advanced skills.


  • To learn skills that require a certain trait level, your raw trait level must be high enough. For example, with Endurance 3 and gear granting +1 Endurance, you cannot learn a skill requiring Endurance 4
  • The second level of Stealth reduces the chances of enemies hearing you, while the third level gives a 50% chance to open doors and chests without being noticed.
  • Evasion gives you a chance to avoid all forms of damage, not just attacks, including poisonous gas, traps, and damage that occurs during quest dialogue.