Steel Wizard

From Exiled Kingdoms Wiki

Steel Wizard

This killer robot doesn't pause to say "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" Instead, it just tries to exterminate you. Shocking! Its lasers are pure shock damage that bypass your AC. If you are entangled with fighting Steel Spiders when the Steel Wizard starts firing at you, you may be exterminated.


Very dangerous mechanical construct, equipped with an ION cannon, and explodes upon system failure.

Their ION canon deals purely shock damage so high resistance is advised.





Type Level XP Armor Health Mana MovementBoss Type
Robots 18 460 Shield small.png 19 Heart.png 282 Mana.png 0 1strong
Damage Extra Damage Speed Crit % DPS Resistances
Shock.png 40-45 Speed.png 22 1 93.8 Fire.png 300 Cold.png 300 Shock.png -50 Death.png 300 Poison.png 300
Attributes Skills Proc Effect
Explosive; Robot Stun (5%, 6s)


  • Some of the stats change with creature level and game mode. The values shown in the table above always refer to the highest level at Normal difficulty. On Hard or Iron Man some values such as HP and attack stats are increased by 25%.