User:Aalandryll arDanu

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Aalandryll arDanu aka Chris el Gringo Paisa currently lives in La Dorada, Caldas, Colombia. He is an expat on assignment as a Senior System Administrator and Liaison for a defense contractor working with Fuerza Aerea Colombiana (the Colombian Air Force.)

While he would not by any means say he is fully fluent, he knows enough Spanish to get by on a daily basis as well as smatterings of Mandarin, Thai, Japanese, Hangul (Korean), Russian, German, Irish Gaelic, French, Italian, and Portuguese.

He is a published author, editor of other novels and dialogues for games, playtester, and has his name in the credits of at least one game as a contributing author. He is friends with many other well known published authors and creators of games such as Ed Greenwood, David Weber, John Ringo, David Forsyth, and others.

He is a Colonel in the Royal Manticoran Army, a segement of the official Honor Harrington Fan Club.

Aalandryll has been gaming for almost thirty five years and still loves the challenge.

Special Pages created by Aalandryll for maintenance