

New Member
The 'rage' mechanic on the warrior class is a bit too simple, and way too risky to be of any value of practical use. I would advise some sort of stacking system instead or each enemy near the character or a stacking buff based on the amount of hits recieved. Another idea is to make it into an ability, reducing armor and adding a damage buff, healing the character based on the number of enemies slain during the buff.

The charge abiltiy needs to be worked on, it should travel to the direct of the nearest enemy you're looking towards, and it needs to be tweaked to actually hit the enemies it travels beside, going through any nearby terrian or objects in order to be less buggy.

whirlwind would benefit from having its knock-back removed, replaced instead with a cooldown reduction based upon how many enemies were hit.

two handed weaponry master is super generic as it is, remove the stun on hit proc and instead give it a knockback and bonus damage cleave procs.

The armor buff skill is too generic, needs instead to be made into an combat evasion skill offering a chance to avoid all damage from incomming attacks for a set period of time. Or atleast share the armor buff with your companion/s


Staff member
Aggro currently is extremely simple, and before 1.0 I'll make a transition to a "hate list" system that will allow much more strategy.


Staff member
It's an aggro system used in many AIs. First time I saw it at work "consciously" was in Everquest, although maybe old RPGs also used it and I didn't know. Each NPC/monster keeps a list of hostile targets he knows about, and a "hate" value for each of them.

When you are spotted by a monster, you are added to his hate list with a hate value of 0.

The monster attacks first the enemies with the highest hate value.

Things that increase hate towards someone:
-hitting him or being hit.
-Having low health, low armor, low level, or overall being considered vulnerable.
-Being closer.
-healing or buffing someone already on the hate list.

With this, it's easy to adjust AIs to make some monsters smarter than others. You can make some of the factors above weight more than others, depending on the monster's intelligence or viciousness.

To clarify, right now the system is much more simple, basically attacks the closest target in range, and if you hit them real hard they may switch target.
